About Me

Timm and I have been together for 4+ years. Although it is a long distance relationship, we are very happy and hope to someday be together forever! We are lucky enough to see eachother once a month and we LOVE our time together! We have been through a lot and our love has only grown stronger because of it. We are best friends and soul mates. Timm has 2 boys, Griffin 10 and Maxx 8. I have TJ, 11 and Eliza 8. The kids love to be together and get along great! It is a little crazy when we are all together, but so much fun! We love our kids more than anything! Timm is a graduate of the University of Illinios with a degree in Engineering and I graduated from Ottawa University with my degree in Elementary Education. Timm has a great job that he loves with Caterpillar Machinery in Peoria, IL. and I teach jr. high at the best school in Mesa, Az., Kino. We both love our jobs and love what we do.


Lesley's Arizona Visit

Lesley Zimmerman
and Emily Miller
take on the Goldfield Ghost Town
Saturday, January 31st
The new Sherriffs in town!! Aren't we scary!?!

Lesley wasn't too happy when I stopped this cowboy and asked if she could take a picture with him. He was kinda stinky and dirty. She did get me back when we went dancing later that night!!! (don't have a picture of that one!!...darn it!!)

Lesley had a great time jumping in the old rail cars...too bad we both couldn't fit!!