About Me

Timm and I have been together for 4+ years. Although it is a long distance relationship, we are very happy and hope to someday be together forever! We are lucky enough to see eachother once a month and we LOVE our time together! We have been through a lot and our love has only grown stronger because of it. We are best friends and soul mates. Timm has 2 boys, Griffin 10 and Maxx 8. I have TJ, 11 and Eliza 8. The kids love to be together and get along great! It is a little crazy when we are all together, but so much fun! We love our kids more than anything! Timm is a graduate of the University of Illinios with a degree in Engineering and I graduated from Ottawa University with my degree in Elementary Education. Timm has a great job that he loves with Caterpillar Machinery in Peoria, IL. and I teach jr. high at the best school in Mesa, Az., Kino. We both love our jobs and love what we do.


Eliza turns 8!!!

Eliza Bailey Porter
8 years old
March 4, 2009

Mom, TJ, and Eliza went to dinner with Grandma Linda, Papa Dale, and Uncle Daryl
at Native New Yorker.
Best Pals!!

Eliza with her ice cream after being sung to....she loves the attention!!

After dinner, we walked over to Bahama Bucks (Eliza's FAVORITE!) for dessert.
YUMMY!! watermelon with cream

At Grandma and Papa's house opening presents. Uncle Daryl gave her $20

Mom gave her softball equipment...Eliza is playing for the first time and couldn't be more excited! (just like her mom!)
a pink helmet, pink bag, and pink softball

Mom couldn't find pink cleats...so black will have to do!

Opening a present from Grandma and Papa
A BEAUTIFUL dress to wear after her baptism and at Uncle Jeffy's wedding

Grandma also took Eliza out of school to go to lunch and shopping to pick out more presents. She picked out shoes to wear with her dress, a purse, make-up, walkie-talkies, and candy. She had a great time! And mom loved them bringing lunch to her at school. What a great surprise!


Shelly said...

Happy Birthday Eliza! Let us know when the baptism is... we would love to come!

kristy miller said...

Holly cow we are missing the baptism too! We suck!